The best Sea Urchin / Uni by critsy on Eaten
Sea Urchin / Uni
1 review
Yonaka Modern Japanese, Las Vegas
Santa Barbara sea urchin served with sea urchin panna cotta, fresh scallops, poached egg, and buttermilk dressing. Dollop of salty ikura to balance out the flavors and splash of grape seed oil to paint the canvas with a vibrant green!! So this was course #4, and by this time, I’m wondering why the portions are so big! We have a 10 course dinner and 6 more ahead of us, and by this time I was full already. However, the marriage of flavors on this plate was absolutely phenomenal!! I could totally see how they can improve this dish tho...they could have served all the ingredients to fit on one ceramic spoon as in the show “The Taste.” This would have been the ideal dish to put it all into that one perfect bite! Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed this dish! A hundred compliments to the chef!!