The best Croquetas by sndguerin on Eaten
1 review
Barrafina, London
Best balls in London - not squiding! 🧡 * * You know when you plan to get up early and hit the stores before the mad weekend Oxford Street crowds get to them, but then you stay in bed until 12, and then you stumble upon @barrafinalondon @barrafinaadelaidespecials before you came across any of the places you needed to go to, and there’s no massive queue? Well, that was today and I regret nothing (especially because a belly full of criquetas does wonders when it comes to dealing with the aforementioned mad Oxford Street crowds...) #slowsundayclub #mymonthofsundays #sundayvibes * * #thisishowihueit #visualsoflife #documentlife #littlestoriesofmylife #liveauthentic #momentslikethis #daysofsmallthings #lifeunscripted #myperspective #bloggerstribe #lbloggers #inspiremyinstagram #photosinbetween #ofsimplethings #blogandbeyond #happyselves #findingthejoyineveryday #myeverydaymagic #myeverydaylife #myeverydayedit #eaterlondon