京丹波平井牛サーロインステーキ Hirai Sirloin Steak Set @ Otsuka
Otsuka, Kyoto
First solid meal in over 24 hours at Otsuka and after a 4-hour hike. 1. You’d never think there was a restaurant in this neighborhood of 🏡 🏡 🏡 but there it is... 2. There were over 40 people before me, 8 minutes into the restaurant opening. 3. This is quite possibly the best beef I have EVER had (minus the Matsusaka sliver @furflebear, @shobdw and I shared on a sushi after I shamelessly asked the chef to slice it 3 ways). I wouldn't know what I was missing with the Murasawa since they sold out within an hour. The Murasawa probably warrants a reservation ahead of time.
Eaten: Tue, 01 May 2018 04:23