ROJAK LINE Rojak @ ROJAK LINE - The Finest Rojak
ROJAK LINE - The Finest Rojak, Singapore
BRIEF: - You Tiao (Dough Fritter) - Tau Pok (Bean Curd) - Honey Pineapple - Japanese Cucumber - Guava - Turnip - Red Apple “…It is far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price. Generally, ROJAK LINE price is higher than the rest of the Rojak outlet in the market. It is this higher price margin that allows ROJAK LINE to serve the customers on the quality of ingredients, and thereby producing the finest Rojak for you…It is our principle of producing wonderful food at a fair price, rather than a fair food at a wonderful price…We are always in pursuit of creating exceptionally tasty Rojak in particular. If you are looking at the best Rojak, this is everything you wanted. This is the apotheosis of Rojak.” SOOT’S TAKE: Legit rojak without the baggage of shrimp paste/ hae ko/petis/ otak udang/ xia gao: I mean, they really make a song and dance of not using any of the stuff in their 4-page (unedited) dissertation on the subject. Kudos for the use of bomb ingredients: the crispy dough fritters, fresh fruit and veg and crunchy, aromatic peanuts.
Eaten: Sun, 10 Jul 2022 11:00