Steak Frites @ Le Relais de l’Entrecôte
Le Relais de l’Entrecôte, Paris
This place is the original one item on menu place, way before flat iron made it cool. You also have to queue to get in, we probably waited around 40 mins. Once you're seated, the only choice you get is how you want your meat cooked (rare, medium, well done). You also get a salad with honey and mustard dressing and some bread. Unfortunately, we were duped by all the great reviews on Google, yelp and foursquare, as well as the thought that all these people queuing can't be wrong. I had my steak medium because they don't do medium rare and it came out weird, it felt grainy as if it had been pre chewed. The taste was ok but I wasn't a huge fan of the green sauce that everyone raves about. The fries were good. I wouldn't come back, there are much better steaks for less money that you don't have to queue for.
Eaten: Fri, 11 May 2018 18:47