Auer Märzen @ Herbstfest Rosenheim
Herbstfest Rosenheim, Rosenheim
O'Zupft is - wait O'Zapft is!!! the Foodspotting meet up made it to the Rosenheimer Herbstfest - or as we locals call it Wies'n (nobody means the one in Munich when saying Wies'n here). Although comparatively small in size (about 1 Million people attending) still the third biggest in Bavaria and definitely one of the more reasonably priced ones (bumper cars? 2 EUR. A mass (adult sized = 1 liter) beer: 8.20 EUR - you get the picture.) And we enjoyed a couple of those beautiful Auer Wies'n Märzen. A medium to full body with malty notes, originally brewed from Sept thru April. Oans. Zwoa. Drei...
Eaten: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:40