濃厚トリプルチョコマフィン | RICH TRIPLE CHOCOLATE MUFFINS @ Soots Cook Nook
Soots Cook Nook, Private
Been a while since I baked chocolate anything. I took this recipe from a Japanese magazine that I browsed 2 years ago at a cafe, with the ambitious plan to try it in spite of the language barrier. Today these muffins have materialized, against some of what got lost in translation (courtesy of Google translate) and 2 years of procrastination. I’m not sure why it’s triple chocolate when only 2 types chocolate were party to this recipe? Maybe, in intensifying the chocolaty aspect of the muffin, coffee received honorary third party status? But yeah, they’re so chocolaty my head hurts. 😆
Eaten: Sun, 20 Jun 2021 10:07