Sugar Cube, Alexandria
and this, my friends is what built this nice silky smoothness and chili burn in the chili. It is called "do not eat this chocolate" for a reason.. boy oh boy was Mr. Carastian taught a lesson.. tee hee... thinking he can handle it and ignoring the warning (just a marketing stunt ) ...he was weeping.. this was SCHPPPIIIIICCCCCY!!! As the wonderful freaks from Lilliebelle Farms - who brought this to the world - put it long: 'We take a perfect blend of organic milk and dark chocolate and screw it up with an over-generous helping of ghost chilies, Aji Amarillo chilies and a splash of Chili Arbol.' And short: ' A full metal death chile and chocolate bitch slap' I still want to try their suggestion though: shave some on ice cream for an out-of-this-world combination!
Eaten: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 19:39