Pickled Ginger @ Kaneko Hannosuke
Kaneko Hannosuke, Honolulu
This also came with Tempura bowl...for me, it was a little awkward having Tempura with pickled ginger...I mean, pickled sliced ginger(not the red julienned one) usually comes with sushi or sashimi. I was confused a bit at first. Traditionally(ahem!), only veggie side dish that comes with tempura bowl should be pickled daikon, namely takuan. AND I didn't see Takuan around anywhere... Fast forward, I felt unusual, tasting sesame seeds oil & bits of sesame seeds in ginger pickles but I guess it works like "a cushion", adding mildness & flavor to the pickles. This too, was addictive. Altho I didn't finish it like the green, I couldn't stop munching it between entree & the veggie😋
Eaten: Thu, 07 Feb 2019 02:03