Papaïoannou Salad (House Salad) @ Μπαρμπουνάκι Χαλάνδρι
Μπαρμπουνάκι Χαλάνδρι, Chalandri
Well-seasoned and -dressed mixed salad, but what on earth was up with the vegetables being barely cut? What's half a tomato doing in my restaurant salad? What's an entire lettuce heart doing in it? The enormous, thick, hard carrot chunks were impossible to cut with a dinner knife without risking sending carrot bits flying into the eyes of other diners, so I ended up eating them with my hands. Also, the tomato was terrible — mealy and tasteless. PSA: when you can't get good regular tomatoes, use the cherry/grape tomatoes instead. I won't be ordering this again. €8.60 for a large.
Eaten: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 19:03