Bijin Nabe @ Tsukada Nojo-Westgate
Tsukada Nojo-Westgate, Singapore
I’m not usually a huge fan of hotpot so this place would be the rare exception. Their chicken broth is exceptionally flavorful which compensates for what would otherwise be a lackluster repast of boiled ingredients. Been around 5 years since I was here and absence doth make the heart grow fonder . Chestnut Pork 栗豚 NA Ring Ring Roll 薄油揚げ 👌 I think this was yuba. You were meant to dunk it briefly in the broth for a second (or less) and then eat it. It was ok but not something I would repeat necessarily Cheese Tofu チーズ豆腐 👌 Tofu with small bits of cream cheese embedded. It was interesting but not necessarily something to write home about. Lobster Balls ロブスターボール - 👌 Fishball with Cheese チーズ入りフィッシュボール edible but it was 90% filled with what tasted like melted American cheese. It was weird. 😳 Lettuce レタス 👍 Chinese Cabbage 白菜 👍
Eaten: Thu, 21 Apr 2022 11:21